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H₂O₂ Generating Ability and Multi-Drug Resistance of Lactic Acid Bacteria Required for Long-Term Inpatient Treatment with Antibiotic Resistance



Purpose: In our study, in order to find lactic acid bacteria (LAB) with multi-drug resistance to antibiotics, we isolated 140 strains from 15 types of kimchi commercially available in Korea and 20 types of Kimchi made at home from January to December in 2016, and investigated their H₂O₂ generating ability and multi-drug resistance to antibiotics. Methods: In order to observe the H₂O₂ generation ability of LAB, we performed the experiment with methods such as Rabe, Hillier, and Kang. To test the antibacterial susceptibility of LAB, we used the disc agar diffusion method using MRS agar (Difco, USA) according to the CLSI and WHO test methods. There are 18 types of antibiotic discs used. Results: Out of the total numbers of 140 strains, 6 strains of Ent. Faecium, 25 strains of L. plantarum, 1 strain of L. rhamnosus, 3 strains of L. sakei, 1 strain of L. acidophilus, 1 strains St. thermophilus, and 7 of unidentified strains generated H₂O₂ . The antibiotic susceptibility of Ent. Faecium indicated SXT, OX, NA, and E; and the antibiotic susceptibility of L. plantarum indicated NA; and the antibiotic susceptibility of St. thermophilus indicated NA, CC, RA, CTT, CM, and P ; and the antibiotic susceptibility of L. rhamnosus indicated SXT, VA, NA and CTT; and the antibiotic susceptibility of 6 strains of L. sakei indicated SXT, OX, NOR, NA, CTT and CIP, all indicating antibiotic resistance. In the case of multi-drug resistance to antibiotics for 53 strains of L. antarum, 8-drug resistance was the most common with 25 strains, followed by 7-drug-resistant strains with 18 strains, 9-drug-resistant strains with 4 strains, 6-drug-resistant strains with 3 strains, 5-drug-resistant strains with 2 strains, and 17-drug-resistant strains with 1 strain. In the case of multi-drug resistance to antibiotics for Ent. Faecium 27 strains, 9-drug resistance was most commonly identified as 9 strains, 8-drug resistance was identified as 6 strains, 7- and 11 drug resistances were identified as 4 strains each, and 4- and 6-drug resistances were identified as 1 strain each. Conclusion: Ent. Faecium, L. plantarum, L. rhamnosus, L. sakei, and St. thermophilus, shown to have anantibacterial activity in previous studies on LAB and shown to have and H₂O₂ generating ability, antibiotic resistance and multi-drug resistance in this study, are expected to be able to play an excellent role for long-term inpatients to use as an alternative to antibiotics and to cope with emerging antibiotic resistance.


1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1 Materials
2.2 Methods
3. Results
3.1 H₂O₂ generating ability of LAB.
3.2 Antimicrobial Susceptibility of LAB
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion


  • Yuk, Young Sam Lecturer, Graduate School of Business (Health), Dankook University, Yong-in 16890, Republic of Korea


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