

Culture Information Technology (CIT)

A Study on the Current Status and Improvement of Digital Divide for the Disabled in Korea



Due to the fast development of information and communication technology, many people are enjoying benefits. However, there are those who do not enjoy the benefits of such information technology due to physical disabilities or economic reasons. This class is classified as an information-vulnerable class with so-called digital divide, and the disabled can be said to be a representative information-vulnerable class. The purpose of the paper is to identify the various causes of digital divide and propose improvement measures for the disabled in Korea. For this purpose, the digital divide data by the national institution over the past four years were analyzed. Through various statistical analysis, it was found that the main cause of the digital divide was insufficient information competency among the three factors diagnosing the digital divide namely, information access, information competency, and information utilization. It was also found that the information utilization activities of the disabled were not productive and consumption-oriented


1. Introduction
2. Related Works
2.1. Definition of the Digital Divide
2.2. The Measurement of the Digital Divide
2.3. Previous Works
3. The Status and Analysis of Digital Divide for the Disabled
3.1. Data and Methodology of the Digital Divide Status Survey
3.2. The Current Status of the Digital Divide for the Disabled
3.3. Analysis of Digital Divide for the Disabled
4. Conclusions and Further Research Issues


  • Woochun Jun Professor, Dept. of Computer Education, Seoul National University of Education, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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