

Technology Convergence (TC)

A Study on the System for measuring the Activity of Honeybees inside and outside the Beehive



Recently, due to rapid climate change, the population of honey bees has decreased, posing a great threat to the existence of the Earth's ecosystem. In particular, the colony collapse phenomenon in which bees disappeared nationwide in early 2022 had devastating consequences for beekeepers. In order to solve the problems of beekeeping due to climate change, it is urgent to develop a system that can monitor the situation inside the hive through various IoT sensors. This paper develops a system that can measure the activity of bees inside the hive and uses it to measure the number of times of entry and exit of the hive. The data measured by the developed system can be monitored in real time on a smartphone through the cloud server. The system developed in this paper can monitor the ecology of bees according to climate change and measure internal and external bee activities. Using this method, it is possible to check in advance for the colony collapse phenomenon in which bees disappeared in early 2022. This is very meaningful in that it presents an alternative that can identify the cause of the problem through early detection.




  • Kim Joon Ho Dongseoul University, Dept. Of Electrical Information Control
  • Han Wook Hanchang Techno.Corp
  • Chung Wonki Onfarm Corp.
  • Mo Changyeon Kangwon National University, Dept. Of of Biosystems Engineering, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
  • Han Xiongzhe Kangwon National University, Dept. Of of Biosystems Engineering, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
  • Kim Subae The National Institute of Agricultural Science, Dept. of Agricultural Biology


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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