

Culture Convergence (CC)

An Exploration of a Performer’s Organic Action




This thesis explores the principle of a performer’s organic action by means of his/her bodily responses on stage. This research has been developed to define the nature of a performer’s central task in order to constitute empirical understanding of acting and the purpose of training in addressing the question of what sort of qualitative bodily training is necessary to be in a state of the full body involvement. This study investigates to articulate a performer’s fundamental task at the most rudimentary level by utilizing those theatre artists’ concepts with practical assumptions. In particular, the key terms, happen and change signifies the quality of a performer’s body that has to fit into the given environment in which the performer’s body can be subordinated through the moment on stage. Here, we argue that a performer’s essential task parallel to make the following moment to happen and change by means of progressing a set of the next moment. In this manner, we also argue that a moment of displaying the performer’s conscious effort, forceful and externalizing the visible elements under the use of erroneous language leads his/her body not to function on stage, a state of disengagement from his/her body. Finally, we provide a way to facilitate a performer’s organic action by focused on his/her lived experience to create the functional moment which is opposite to the predominance of a representation, maintaining the performer’s intellectual sense.




  • BongHee Son Associate Professor, Department of Acting Art, Gachon University, Korea


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