

Culture Convergence (CC)

A Study on Measures to Increase Student Enrollment in Community Colleges : Based on the Case of G College




In this study, for students who gave up their studies midway through college, we investigate the reasons for dropping out of college, analyze the factors that caused students to drop out, and suggest improvement measures to effectively increase the recruitment rate of enrolled students. This study explores measures to increase student enrollment in community colleges. For this purpose, it conducted a survey of students who dropped out of G College between 2018 and 2020 from June 28 to July 9, 2021. Its analysis is based on the results of 53 students who participated in the survey. First, our results suggest that programs to develop interpersonal relationships between students, faculty, and staff are necessary. Such programs will cultivate a culture of solidarity and collective identity among students, which in turn will reinforce positive experiences in college. Moreover, by developing systems to form relationships between faculty and students, colleges can have a feedback mechanism, such as an open-study program, through which they learn what the students want and need. Through this effort, colleges can help their students adjust to campuses and enhance student satisfaction in college. Second, it is necessary to develop various extracurricular programs not only for freshmen but existing students and to run hobby and leisure activity programs. To have continuous, standing extracurricular programs instead of one-time events, colleges should set up specific goals, delivery methods and strategies. Third, colleges should renovate old and outdated buildings and facilities on campus to enhance the quality of campus life. Moreover, more comprehensive improvement of facilities and a campus environment by having various convenient and leisure facilities that meet the needs and demands of students. Fourth, it is suggested to develop programs or systems that help students to more fully engage in campus lives and activities, which in turn increases confidence and self-efficacy among students. Through such programs, students can better adjust to their majors and, therefore, will be less likely to drop out of college.


2.1 Subjects of research
2.2 Research tool
2.3 Research proceedings
3.1 The General characteristics of subjects
3.2 Efforts the College Could Make to Prevent Students from Dropping Out
3.3 Reasons to Drop Out
3.4 Differences in Reasons for Dropping Out by Year in College


  • Ki yeu Jo Prof., Dept. of Health & Medical Administration, GyeongNam Provincial Geochang College, Korea
  • Ho geun Kang Prof., Dept. of Architecture & Interior, GyeongNam Provincial Geochang College, Korea


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