

Culture Convergence (CC)

A Case Study about Koreanese-Japanese Students’ Convergence Cartoon Using Photovoice




Today's universities have a keen interest in educational reform. The issue of population decline in college-age due to population decline is not new. Universities have been developing quantitatively for a long time and are now considering ways to survive rather than qualitative growth. Since the sharp decline in the school-age population due to the population decline has no clear solution immediately, universities are overcoming this crisis by creating many alternatives. Attracting international students is one of them. In this study, the effectiveness of photovoice was examined through the analysis of the case of the Korean-Japanese convergence cartoon class. The photo-voice method has sufficient potential as a teaching method for foreign convergence classes and can be expected to play a role as a teaching method suitable for students participating in convergence classes with different social, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds. In particular, in the convergence class, since participating students generate research materials through photo production, it can be a tool for inner exploration necessary for webtoon production and a tool for narrative inquiry for storytelling. It is expected that expanding the understanding and use of photo voice will have the methodological value of convergence classes. In addition, the teaching method using photo voice produced in the composition of photos and stories is likely to be used as an appropriate tool for convergence classes for students with different social, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds.


1.1 Research Background and Purposes
1.2 Research Method and Scope
2.1 The Concept of Photovoice
2.2 The Characteristics of Korean-Japanese Convergence Class Participants
2.3 The Environmental Characteristics of the Korean-Japanese Convergence Cartoon Class
2.4 Photovoice as Convergence Class Tool


  • Kwon Kyung-min A Full Prof., Dept. of Motion Arts Design, Namseoul Univ., Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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