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Propagation by Leafy Stem Cuttings Containing Xylem of Populus alba × P. glandulosa Clone Bongwha1



The study was conducted to establish a method for the proliferation of hybrid poplar (P. alba × P. glandulosa) clone Bongwha1, an excellent biomass species. It was found that to collect the cuttings of Bonghwa1, it was necessary to use the main stem rather than the axillary branch. Stem growth by green-wood cuttings showed a tendency to decrease as the length of the collected cuttings increased, but the survival rate was low. Therefore, modified leafy stem cutting was attempted to increase the survival rate of the cuttings. In the modified leafy stem cutting method, 4 leaves were included in the cuttings, and especially, cuttings were performed using cuttings containing 2-4 cm xylem parts. Leafy stem cutting increased root growth and the number of stems, as well as the survival rate of hybrid poplar clone Bongwha1 compared to green-wood cuttings. The root growth of the leafy stem cutting poplar was better as there was more xylem part. Using two-year-old nursery stocks, the leafy stem cutting was used to produce about 66 cuttings. This study is expected to contribute to the mass propagation of high-quality nursery stocks.


Materials and Methods
Preparation of cuttings
Investigation of the number of cuttings produced
Root and stem growth of plants according to the length of cuttings
Survival rate and root growth of plants according to modified leafy stem cutting
Survival rate, stem growth and root growth according to the presence or absence of xylem tissue exposure
Statistical analysis
Productivity of cuttings in 3 year old hybrid poplar plants
Root and stem growth of cuttings by green wood cuttings
Root and stem growth of seedlings by leafy stem cuttings
Survival rate, stem growth and root growth according to xylem tissue exposure in leafy stem cuttings


  • Hak Gon Kim Forest Research Department, Gyeongsangnam-do Forest Environment Research Institute, Jinju 52615, Republic of Korea
  • Seong Hyeon Yong Division of Environmental Forest Science & Institute of Agriculture and Life Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 52828, Republic of Korea
  • Hyung Ho Kim Division of Environmental Forest Science & Institute of Agriculture and Life Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 52828, Republic of Korea
  • Myung Suk Choi Division of Environmental Forest Science & Institute of Agriculture and Life Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 52828, Republic of Korea


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