A Sci-Fi Metamorphosis of Nine-tailed Fox Narrative : The Cognitive Estrangement in Ken Liu’s Good Hunting
This study examines both Ken Liu’s short story, Good Hunting and Oliver Thomas’ Netflix animation with the same title as literature of cognitive estrangement. According to Darko Suvin, true science fiction provides a socially transformative vision of the real world as the literature of cognitive estrangement. Science fiction achieves this goal through a novum, “which is so central and significant that it determines the whole narrative logic regardless of any impurities that might be present”(70). The magic as a novum in Good Hunting serves as a catalyst for perceiving the difference between the text and the readers’ worlds. A son of a demon hunter Liang and a nine-tailed fox Yen have continued to transform for survival in the new world. At the beginning, both hunters are hostile to each other, but overtime, they form a bond that ensured their survival. Yen, alienated and victimized in the human village due to her heterogeneous biological structures, embodies the transcendent monstrousness that can be reached as a benefit of science and thechnology with the help of Liang. In the process, Yen’s body, located at the intersection of colonial power, extreme technological optimism, and gender conflict, reveals various side effects of high technology. Also Liu’s cyborg nine-tailed fox character is reproduced as a more dramatic posthuman subject in the animation and expands it dynamic behavior. Therefore, Liu presents topics to seriously contemplate, such as new concepts of life and ethical issues that arise in the post-human era.
Ⅱ. 가상의 현실화 –구미호 옌
Ⅲ. 현실의 가상화 – 요괴 사냥꾼/기술자 량
Ⅳ. 무엇이 노붐을 구성하는가
Ⅴ. 나가면서