

PTC서미스터 히터소자를 적용시킨 전기온풍기의 발화 매커니즘 연구


A Study on Fire Mechanism of Electric Heater with PTC Thermistor

김경수, 이상훈, 정재덕, 권수진

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Electric heaters with PTC thermistor heater elements have been widely used for heating at home and businesses, replacing heating devices using fossil fuels. The PTC thermistor heater device maintains a constant temperature by controlling a heating value by increasing or decreasing the current as the resistance value changes to limit the amount of current. In this paper, since a fire occurs due to indiscreet use of the device, careless use of the PTC thermistor heater device-type electric heater and the defect state of the device itself were presented. After that, the heating characteristics and the possibility of firing were analyzed through lots of experiments. As the separation distance from the combustible material approached, the temperature of the combustibles material increased proportionally. However, the temperature of the PTC thermistor heater element itself was kept constant. In addition, even if serious overheating conditions were set, the temperature overheating prevention device of the device itself was operated, which did not lead to abnormal overheating and firing of the heater device itself. It could be verified through empirical experiments that the firing could be caused by arc generation between PTC heater device and adjacent electrode, as an abnormal current occurs under conditions where the resistance of thermistor itself is interfered with by the inflow of external conductive materials. In conclusion, based on the results of the reproduction test, matters to be considered when improving the fire investigation and fire prevention system were presented.


1. 서론
2. 화재 발생 사례
3. 이론적 고찰
3.1 PTC서미스터 히터소자의 작동 원리
3.2 온풍기의 구조 및 기능
4. 재현실험 방법 및 내용
4.1 재현실험의 재료 및 방법
4.2 재현실험의 범위 및 내용
4.3 온풍기 정상가동 실험[사전실험]
4.4 부주의에 의한 착화실험
4.5 기기결함에 의한 착화실험
5. 실험결과 분석
5.1 연소패턴 분석
6. 결론
6.1 재현실험 결과 분석
6.2 화재조사 시 착안 사항


  • 김경수 Kyung Soo Kim. 충청남도 홍성소방서
  • 이상훈 Sang Hoon Lee. 충청남도 홍성소방서
  • 정재덕 Jae Deok Jeong. 충청남도 홍성소방서
  • 권수진 Su Jin Kwon. 충청남도 홍성소방서


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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