

화목보일러 연통 과열 화재위험성에 관한 연구


Research of Overheated Wood Boiler’s Pipe Fire Hazard

강순주, 박태용, 양순관

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently, economic downturn and the era of ultra-high oil prices caused by the global pandemic, demand for the installation of wood boilers in home or rural houses is increasing as a means of reducing heating costs in winter. In general, wood boilers, which have been used a lot in factories and warehouses, not only reduce the burden of heating costs, which account for a large part of household spending in winter, but also are simple and economical, so the demand is gradually increasing. However, due to the nature of the fuel, it is difficult to control the fire power, and there is no accurate installation manual, so there is a high possibility of fire, such as overheating of the stovepipe and splashing on nearby combustibles. In addition, there are many problems that were not initially expected during the manufacture and installation of the wood boiler due to legal defects. This study aims to analyze fire hazards according to communication structure, material, and boiler room construction materials by conducting fire re-experiments based on fire cases by wood boilers, and provide basic data for safe installation and use of fire boilers.


1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
2.1 보일러의 종류
2.2 화목보일러의 구조와 작동원리
2.3 화목보일러 화재발생 유형과 현황
2.4 화목보일러 관련법 규정
2.5 화목보일러 화재사례 조사
2.6 소화 및 경보시설의 설치 필요성
3. 화재실험 및 결과 분석
3.1 실험목적
3.2 실험장치 및 조건
3.3 실험결과 및 분석
4. 결론


  • 강순주 Sun Ju Kang. 합천소방서 현장대응단
  • 박태용 Tae Yong Park. 합천소방서 현장대응단
  • 양순관 Sun Kwan Yang. 합천소방서 현장대응단


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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