Fire Investigation Using the Automobile Connected Car Operating System with Recording Device
Big data and AI-based automobile service technology should be understood not only in the coming future but also in the advanced technology such as artificial intelligence, and CCOS automobile recorder should be understood and applied to automobile fire investigation. There are many recording devices such as OBD (On Board Diagnosis), EDR (Event Data Recorder), and DTG (Digital Tachograph) in the vehicle. However, when the vehicle is burned down, the recording devices installed in the vehicle are lost and the recorded information disappears. Recently, the problem that the recorded information is recorded and stored in the Internet server by using the wireless communication network is also solved. The information collected in the CCOS-based recording device in the vehicle should be combined with the fire investigation to help identify the cause and reinforce it as evidence to enhance external credibility
1. 서론
1.1 연구배경 및 목적
1.2 화재조사 사례
1.3 연구 범위와 방법
2. 차량 기록장치에 대한 이론적 고찰
2.1 OBD 시스템(운행기록 자기 진단 장치)
2.2 차량 커넥티드 카 서비스
2.3 EDR(사고기록장치)
2.4 VEDR(영상용 사고기록장치)
2.5 DTG(Digital Tachograph, 디지털 운행기록장치)
2.6 차량관제시스템
2.7 기록장치에서 수집 가능한 정보
3. 차량 기록장치 작동실험
3.1 OBD차량진단시스템 작동실험
3.2 영상사고기록장치(VEDR) 작동실험
3.3 운행기록장치 작동실험
3.4 차량 커넥티드 카 서비스 차량진단 작동실험
3.5 작동실험 결과
4. 실물화재실험
4.1 실험목표
4.2 실험개요
4.3 실험순서
4.4 실험분석
4.5 데이터 분석결과
5. 결론