

대한민국 육군 부대가 가사 연구


A Study on the lyrics of the ROK Army unit songs


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to analyze the structure and modes of expression of Army core values by scrutinizing the lyrics of the ROK Army unit songs. For that purpose, this study delves into the rhetorical structure and core values expressed in the song lyrics of 117 brigade level and above commands. The in-depth analysis of the song lyrics confirmed the followings. ① The Army unit songs correspond to the linguistic form of military symbolic culture, and a unit’s identity, core-values, history, and mission are implicitly represented in the lyrics. ② The lyrics of different unit songs conform to a structural pattern which consists of beginning, middle, and end(refrain). ③ The core values of the ROK Army are found to have sub-values such as “loyalty,” “courage,” “responsibility,” “respect,” “creativity,” and etc, and these values are expressed in different lexis associated with each value. ④ Among the values found in units songs, “unity,” “loyalty,” “devotion” are the most frequently expressed values.


1. 서론
2. 예비적 고찰
2.1. 부대가 개요
2.2. 가사 분석 이론 소개
3. 부대가 가사 구조 분석
3.1. 정형화되고 구조화된 부대가 형식
3.2. 단계별 부대가 구조와 표현
4. 부대가 가사에 표상된 육군 가치 분석
4.1. 위국헌신(爲國獻身)
4.2. 책임완수(責任完遂)
4.3. 상호존중(相互尊重)
5. 결론


  • 이강호 Kangho Lee. 육군사관학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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