This study introduces the so-called Problem of Universals, which was a very controversial issue among medieval philosophers and theologists regarding the question of which is the real substance between the universals and the particulars, and the two opposing views on it, i.e., the Universal Realism that considers the universals to be more fundamental and the Nominalism that views the particulars but not the universals to be real. It is shown that this debate is deeply related with the meaning of language, especially the differences of meaning between Korean and English nouns, and reflected in Catholicity and Buddhism and also in the difference of Asian and European views on the world.
2. 스콜라 철학의 보편 논쟁
2.1 철학의 보편 논쟁(Controversy of Universal)
2.2 중세 교회의 보편 논쟁
3. 언어에 나타난 보편자와 개별자의 개념
4. 명사의 보편성과 개체성
4.1 한국어와 영어의 명사
4.2 물질명사의 보편성
4.3. 보편자와 종류(kind)
5. 결론