This study was conducted to prepare fundamental data, to assess the effects of maternal parenting stress on multiparous woman depression and moderating effect of social support The subjects of this study were number of 203 mothers who received services in three postnatal care centers within six months in Busan metro-city, and the data collected with structured self-administered questionnaires was analyzed using SPSS 25.0 program. For the result analysis, descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, and HIerarchical regression analysis were used. There was positive (+) effect of maternal parental stress on postpartum depression(p<.001), and a moderating effect of social support on the relationship between parental stress and postpartum depression(p<.001). As above results, the author consider that he mother's parental stress should be reduced in order to reduce postpartum depression, ㅗand the support of the family as well as the social support of friends and acquaintances should be increased. The author consider that this study will be fundamental data for mother's parental stress studies.
本研究旨在阐明产妇养育压力对产后抑郁的影响分析其关系中存在的社会支持对养育压 力产后抑郁的调节效果并帮助制定有效的产后抑郁管理项目提供相关领域的基础资 料本文分析对象是6个月内使用釜山3家产后调理院的203名产妇通过结构化问卷搜集资 料并用SPSS program(ver. 25.0)进行了分析资料分析采用技术统计独立样本t检验 (independent t-test)单因素方差分析(one=way ANOVA)等级回归分析(Hierarchical regression analysis)研究结果显示养育压力与产后抑郁呈显著正(+)相关社会支持与养 育压力产后抑郁呈显著负(+)相关产妇养育压力对产后抑郁有正(+)影响社会支持对产后 抑郁有负(+)影响社会支持对养育压力产后抑郁具有调节效果为减少产后抑郁应减少 产妇的养育压力提高家属亲友等社会支持本研究可为后续研究提供基础资料.
I. 서론
II. 내용 및 방법
1. 연구가설
2. 변수의 정의
3. 연구대상 및 자료수집 방법
4. 자료처리 및 분석방법
III. 연구 결과
1. 연구대상자의 사회인구학적 특성
2. 측정도구의 타당도 및 신뢰도
3. 연구변수의 기술통계
4. 사회인구학적 특성별 변수의 변이
5. 연구변수 간 상관관계
6. 연구가설의 검정
7. 가설 검정의 요약
IV. 고찰
V. 결론 및 제언