


미용학습자의 마인드셋이 학습몰입과 학습지속의도에 미치는 영향


The Mind set of a Beauty Learner The Effect of Learning Immersion and Intention on Learning Continuity

강가빈, 권태일

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study attempted to unveil structural relationships among learners’ mindset, learning flow and intention to continue learning and help beauty service learners have a desirable perception. For this, a self-administered questionnaire survey was performed against a total of 320 adult beauty service learners in their 20-50s in Busan from July 18 to 25, 2022. They voluntarily participated in the survey with an understanding of its purposes. Effective samples were collected and analyzed by SPSS 25.0, and the results found the followings: First, no significant learning flow was found in beauty service learners with a fixed mindset while high learning flow was observed in those with a growth mindset. Second, an intention to continue learning wasn’t found in beauty service learners with a fixed mindset while an intention to continue learning was observed among those with a growth mindset. Third, both cognitive commitment and affective commitment revealed an intention to continue learning. The above results show that those with a growth mindset are committed to learning for their continuous growth and development and disclose their will to continue learning. In contrast, those with a fixed mindset are aware of their limit and reveal passive learning commitment, losing their intention to continue learning. It is anticipated that the study results provide an implication which is needed to help beauty service learners find a way to improve a growth mindset.


本研究旨在于阐明学习者的思维观念 , 学习投入 , 学习持续意图之间的结构关系 , 了解各项 特征的影响力 , 并为增进美容学习者的正向认识做出贡献􀕶本研究实施时间为2022年7月18日 至7月25日 , 研究对象为釜山地区20~50岁以上的320名成人美容学习者 , 问卷调查方法以能够 理解研究情况 , 并自愿参与的研究对象自我填写的方式进行􀕶研究仅针对可分析的有效样 品 , 通过SPSS 25.0程序进行了电算处理􀕶其结为如下􎩁第一 , 拥有固定思维的美容学习者对 学习投入并未产生太大影响 , 拥有成长性思维的美容学习者表现出较高的学习投入􀕶第二 , 学习持续意图也呈现出类似结果 , 拥有固定思维的美容学习者未呈现持续学习持续意图 , 拥 有成长性思维的美容学习者表现出持续学习持续意图􀕶第三 , 美容学习者的认知投入和正义 投入都延续为学习持续意图􀕶上述结果表明 , 越是拥有成长性思维的人 , 越会为了不断成长 和自我发展 , 通过更多的教育 , 学习 , 训练等投入到学习中 , 表现出持续学习的意志􎩂而越 是拥有固定思维观念的人 , 越会给自己能力设限 , 引起消极的学习投入 , 甚至会丧失持续学 习的意志.


I. 서론
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적
II. 이론적배경
1. 마인드셋
2. 학습몰입
3. 학습지속의도
III. 연구방법
1. 연구대상
2. 연구도구
3. 연구모형 및 가설
4. 자료분석방법
IV. 연구결과 및 고찰
1. 조사대상자의 인구통계학적 특성
2. 측정도구의 타당성 및 신뢰도 검증
3. 기술통계적 특성
4. 상관관계 분석
5. 가설의 검증
V. 결론


  • 강가빈 Ga Bien Kang. 동명대학교 복지산업대학원 미용예술향장학 석사과정
  • 권태일 Tae Il Kwon. 동명대학교 뷰티산업학과 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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