

Art Collaboration between Companies and Artists and the Attraction of Urban Brands




Art collaboration is for artists to create new added value, and individuals, companies, and countries create artistic business opportunities through creative collaboration at the boundary between technology and art. Places where exhibitions and art are held have become famous, increasing the value of urban brands and becoming tourist destinations. As a research method, the phenomenon of art collaboration was studied through literature and case studies. You can see the collaboration cases of Uniqlo and MoMA Gallery, Louis Vuitton and Jeff Koons, and Lee Woo-hwan and Chateau-Mutong Wine as convergence exhibitions and businesses of domestic and foreign companies and arts. It can be seen that the collaboration research between companies and arts through KOTRA's matching of companies and arts, Sejong Center installation art, Seongsu-dong non-mainstream art street culture, and Arttainer pop-up store can be a unique way of attracting. As a result of the study, the development patterns of domestic art collaboration are as follows. First, national-led social values and art collaboration contain social values such as eco-friendly and upcycling, and are mainly led by KOTRA institutions. Second, companies combine ABSOLUT companies and eco-friendly special paints to convey the public message of sustainability to the public as art, and third, individuals prefer non-face-to-face lounges and private spaces in luxury hotels where artists' works are displayed in order to have life-shot attractions. In conclusion, the artist drew the conclusion that the existing value of exhibition and sale of works can create an art collaboration synergy value that strengthens the artist-centered urban brand attraction through the industrialization of art collaboration.


Ⅰ. Introduction
1. Background and purpose of research
2. Scope and method of research
Ⅱ. Art Collaboration
1. Definition of art collaboration
Ⅲ. Partnership between Enterprise and the Arts
1. The concept of cultural nomics
2. The convergence of business and art
Ⅳ. Results of Research on Collaboration between Companies and Art through Exhibition
1. Matching between KOTRA's company and art
2. Installation art and cultural attractions
3. Non-mainstream art and street culture
4. Arttainer and luxury Brand Pop-up Store
Ⅴ. Artist-oriented Urban brand Attraction


  • Kang, Seok Tae Chugye University for the Arts, Korea
  • Kang, Hyung Chul Sangmyung University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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