

Analysis of Communication Patterns in Multicultural Movies


Sungmi Jung

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is a study that analyzed multicultural movies from a communicative perspective. The analysis data for this paper are from , . Multicultural movies feature female marriage immigrants and migrant workers who are multicultural. So, multicultural movies show the communication between Korean and their disparate cultures well. In particular, it is possible to examine communication as a response method of Koreans, focusing on multicultural people. This paper examines the aspects of Koreans' communication about heterogeneous cultures, focusing on the communication of non-verbal and verbal languages in the two films. In this paper, the aspects are summarized as the voices of marginalized multicultural people, the heterogeneity of Koreans-not listening, and the violence caused by heterogeneity. The Korean audiences who watches can empathize with Luong’s thinking and emotion contrary to the Koreans in the primary structure by Luong’s facial expression, and also reach the reflective thinking through the objective observation of Koreans in the film. Contrary to the Koreans in the film, the Korean audiences of can observe the look of Koreans in Chandra’s viewpoint, listen to Chandra’s poor, but continuous and repetitive Korean expression and her auditory nonverbal language like sigh, feel frustrated in Koreans who cannot hear, but empathize with Chandra who cannot communicate. It makes us wear their shoes to experience the immigrants’ viewpoint in concrete multicultural communication situations shown in multicultural films. This is the process of communication with immigrants, and becomes a chance to understand their lives. It is also possible to have a chance for self-reflection and introspection by objectively examining objectified Koreans.


Ⅰ. Introduction
2. Film Data and Important Concept
1) Film Data
2) Dual Structure of Communication and Importance of nonverbal language
3. Aspect of Multicultural Communication
1) Aspect of nonverbal language
2) Verbal Communication
3) Secondary Communication Structure of  and 
4. Conclusions


  • Sungmi Jung Kangwon National University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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