


『조선총독부 금지단행본목록』과 일본 내무성 『금지단행본목록』의 비교 고찰 - ‘풍속괴란(風俗壞亂)’으로 보는 성과학(性科學) 유입


Comparative Study on the List of Prohibited Publications Issued by the Government-General of Korea and Issued by the Japanese Ministry of Internal : Reception of Sexology and books of “the Corruption of Public Morals”


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study compares the List of Prohibited Publications issued by the Government-General of Korea and issued by the Japanese Ministry of Internal. These lists are censorship records containing books banned because of “the corruption of public morals.” Although many previous studies have analyzed Japanese colonial era censorship, few attempts have been made to compare and contrast the details of the censorship records of Joseon and Japan. This paper tries to compare the censorship records of Joseon and Japan and to identify cases in which books published in Japan and exported to Joseon were not prohibited from publishing in their own country but were disposed of in Joseon. Through this, we can recognize differences in the degree of censorship for the same publications, even though the standards and systems of censorship of the Empire and the colonies were similar. This study focuses on books that were prohibited because of “the corruption of public morals,” and then it can be seen that such censorship led to a decisive difference in the dissemination and reproduction of sexology in Joseon and Japan. As a result of comparing the two lists, it is identified that up to 110 of the 361 Japanese books of “the corruption of public morals” in the List of Prohibited Publications issued by the Government-General of Korea were banned from being released only in Joseon. This proves that the colonial censorship authorities tried to control even books licensed for publication and distribution in Japan with stricter standards than in Japan to prevent their influx into Joseon. Many of the Japanese books of “the corruption of public morals” were published amid an explosive increase in sexological books as a result of the boom in interest in sexology during the entire Taisho period and the early Showa period. The translation of sexological books and the subsequent publication of Japanese manuals made it possible for Japanese researchers to conduct original research by themselves, going beyond the introduction of new Western knowledge. In contrast, there is only one Korean book that is presumed to be a book about sexuality in the List of Prohibited Publications issued by Government-General of Korea. And newspaper articles that give us a glimpse of the reality of sexological studies in Joseon, thus it shows that even though Joseon’s intellectuals, like in the case of Japan, were stimulated by sexology, but they were unable to conduct original research due to the lack of a driving force that allowed them to develop it.


Ⅰ. 들어가며
Ⅱ. ‘풍속괴란’에 관한 검열 기록
제1장. 『조선총독부 금지단행본목록』의 개요
제2장. 일본 내무성 『금지단행본목록』의 개요
Ⅲ. ‘풍속괴란’ 도서 검열의 정도 차이
Ⅳ. 일제강점기 조선의 성과학 유입 실상
Ⅴ. 나가며


  • 박수정 Park, Soo jung. 大阪大学大学院 人文学研究科 招へい研究員, 성결대학교 동아시아물류학부 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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