


일본어 남녀 관련 어휘의 습득과 평가


Acquisition and evaluation of Japanese male and female related vocabulary

趙南星 , 舩橋瑞貴

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study reviews Korean Japanese learner’s acquisition of Japanese male and female related vocabulary and the native Japanese speaker’s evaluation. The major results are as follows. (1) In terms of rate of correct answer for male and female related vocabulary depending on learner’s level, learner (advanced) (72.5%) was higher than learner (low)(56.0%) but the acquisition rate of both was not that high. And the rate of correct answer for male and female related vocabulary depending on learner’s level was almost similar. (2) In terms of rate of correct answer for male and female related vocabulary(30 questions) depending on learner’s level, the learner(advanced) was higher than the learner(low). However, in the case of the same vocabulary question, the correct answer rate was not similar, in particular, 男子 and 彼女 showed big difference. (3) The rate of correct answer for male and female related vocabulary depending on learner’s level was high in the order of 男性․女性(80.7%), 男の子․女の子, 男友達․女友達, 彼氏․彼女, 男子․女子, 男の人․女の人 and 男․女(47.9). (4) The numbers of wrong answer for male and female related vocabulary depending on learner’s level was in the order of 男子(105)․女子(134), 男性․女性, 男の人․女の人, 男․女, 男の子․女の子, 彼氏․彼女, 男友達․女友達. (5) The rate of correct answer was low in the order of question 2(男), question 9(男の人), question 18(女), question 17(女) regardless of learner’s level. (6) Japanese native speaker evaluated the naturalness than irritation more strictly in evaluating irritation and naturalness about the wrong answer for male and female related vocabulary, and evaluated the female vocabulary more strictly than the female vocabulary in both criteria. (7) The question 23 which was the most strictly evaluated in irritation used 女の人·女性(right answer) as 女(wrong answer) and the question 15[彼氏(right answer)-男子(wrong answer)] and question 16[女/彼女-女子] is an example that misused 男子 and 女子 respectively, which are evaluated strictly in the both criteria of irritation and naturalness. (8) For the reason why to evaluate the irritation strictly, question 23 used 乱暴/卑下/蔑視/軽視 and question 15, 16 used 不快 for expression.


1. 들어가는 말
2. 조사 방법
3. 조사 I 의 결과 및 고찰
4. 조사 II의 결과 및 고찰
4.1 남녀 관련 어휘 오답의 중대성
4.2 일본어 모어화자의 문제별 정정 및 평가
4.3 불쾌도를 엄하게 평가한 이유
5. 맺는 말


  • 趙南星 Cho, Nam sung . 한밭대학교 일본어과 교수
  • 舩橋瑞貴 Funahashi Mizuki . 本大学 国際關係學部 准敎授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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