


나도향과 위다푸 소설에 나타난 결핵 양상과 감염의 낭만적 은유


The romantic metaphor of tuberculosis and infection in Na Dohyang and Yu Dafu novels.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article observed aspects of tuberculosis that appear in the novels of Na Do Hyang and Yu Dafu along with their meanings as infection literature. Comparisons revealed the following three facts. First, deterioration of the physical body appears as a strong desire for eroticism. Both writers tried to overcome their fear of death by challenging themselves with the taboo of eroticism, but both become frustrated in front of the moral code of reality. Second, in the works of the two artists, tuberculosis is not only treated as a personal disease, but is also thought of at more ideological and mental levels, and its cause is also linked to the issues of the transmission and traditions of deeply rooted sin. Na Do Hyang is admitting to the succession of tragedy and the frustration of desire due to sin through a physical body with tuberculosis while Yu Dafu is looking for more fundamental causes of tragedy in life from Chinese ways of thinking. Third, the pulmonary tuberculosis of Na Do Hyang and Yu Dafu also reveal mental infections in terms of the succession of sins and a denial of tradition. Mental infection at this time has stronger meanings of vertical propagation and transmission rather than horizontal proliferation. To overcome this, as a place of healing, Na Do Hyang chooses Masan and Yu Dafu chooses Hangju, his hometown, but he cannot find peace of mind there. Through this, it was found that tuberculosis in the novels of Na Do Hyang and Yu Dafu is not limited to passion-romantic symbols of love as evaluated in existing literature, but is also connected to the problem of more fundamental notions, revealing the characteristics of ‘transmission’ and ‘proliferation’ in infection literature.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 근대의 감염문학과 결핵의 낭만성
Ⅲ. 에로티시즘의 도전과 좌절-윤리와 금기의 문제
Ⅳ. 전통(고정) 관념의 부정과 비극의 초래
Ⅴ. 몰락의 시인(是認), 감염의 확산과 치유 공간의 부재
Ⅵ. 맺는말


  • 이미옥 Lee, Mi ock. 서울대학교 인문학 연구소 책임연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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