

Digital transformation: an ethical perspective



Continuous concern and research about digital transformation have contributed a lot to our understanding about this wide spreading phenomenon. However, we lack an important brick to build up a comprehensive framework. Although researchers have recently try to construct a comprehensive framework, it is found that there is a research gap and a critical need to look into the relationship between ethics and digital transformation. Digital transformation is accompanied by massive and complicated changes, and the decisions related to pursuing the most value from them can conflict with the values and principles of stakeholders without enough concern about ethics. Since attracting and retaining a powerful digital workforce have been highly stressed in extant research, we introduce a concept of ethical conflict to illustrate the relationship between ethical conflict and digital transformation. This research contributes to a complementary view on digital transformation.


Literature Review on Digital Transformation
Significance of Ethics on DT
Ethical Conflicts and Digital Transformation
Research Methods
Contribution and Future Research


  • Xuan, Haigen 서울대학교 경영대학 대학원
  • Jahng, JungJoo 서울대학교 경영대학


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