

Identifying Metaverse Characteristics and their Influence on Continuance Intention : Evidence from Zepeto, Roblox, and Ifland



Despite increasing scholarly and practical attention to the metaverse, questions about what characterizes it and how its characteristics influence users’ continuance intention remain. To fill these gaps in research, we conducted two empirical studies. In Study 1, metaverse characteristics scale was developed and its validity was evaluated. The scale’s validity was assessed using data collected from 104 metaverse users. Study 2 examines the influence of metaverse characteristics on continuance intention. Drawing on means-end chain theory, we posit that metaverse characteristics influence users’ continuance intention through the mediation of experience value. The proposed model was tested using data collected from 218 users of major metaverse platforms, such as Zepeto, Roblox, and Ifland. The results show that a metaverse is characterized five factors: seamlessness, interoperability, concurrence, presence, and creator economy. The results also indicate that these metaverse characteristics jointly influence a user’s experience value, which, in turn, determines their continuance intention. This research contributes to the metaverse literature by developing a valid scale for its characteristics and empirically validating the scale’s utility. The results provide practical insights into way in which metaverse platforms can enhance their customers’ experience value.


Theoretical background
Metaverse characteristics
Experience value
Continuance intention
Means-end chain theory
Study 1: Developing a scale for metaversecharacteristics
Measurement item development
Validity assessment
Study 2: Examining the relationship between metaverse characteristics and continuance intention
Data collection
Measurement model test
Structural model test


  • Chaeeun Boo 성균관대학교 예술학협동과정
  • Ayoung Suh 성균관대학교 경영대학


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