




A Study on Zainichi‘s Changes in Identity


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



After Japan’s defeat, Koreans in Japan who lost their Japanese nationality struggled with the society in the face of Japanese discrimination and exclusion. Researchers understood that Zainichi at that time had a strong motherland orientation. Under Japan’s assimilationist policy in the 1980s, when immigration began to increase, they experienced confusion about their identity as neither Korean nor Japanese. After 2000, as the era of globalization opened, migration became common, and Japan revitalized its multicultural policy, Koreans in Japan established a new identity. At this time, by focusing on individual cases, research on the complex identity of Zainichi increased. Immigrants adjust to their country of origin while maintaining a sense of belonging and connection to their place of origin, so they try to express their identity in some form. On the other hand, E. Erikson distinguished an individual’s identity into a psychosocial identity, meaning a sense of belonging or unity toward the group to which the person belongs, and an individual identity conscious of one’s own uniqueness. Therefore, in this study, I would like to reveal that Zainichi is forming a new dual identity by mixing individual identities through statistics and surveys on Japan’s naturalization rate, birth rate, marriage rate, and divorce rate.


1. はじめに
1.1 在日とアイデンティティ
1.2 先行研究分析
2. 1980年代 以前の在日
2.1 日本における差別と排除、在日の孤立
2.2 在日の祖国志向のアイデンティティ
3. 1980年代~2000年代までの在日
3.1 外国人の増加
3.2 ニューカマーと韓流、そして境界の人生
4. 2000年代 以後の在日
4.1 多文化共生政策の実施
4.2 二重のアイデンティティ
5. むすび


  • 朴成昊 박성호. 同徳女子大学教養大学 教授, 比較文化


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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