

A Study on the Innovation and Development of China's Cultural Tourism Industry : Focusing on the Era of Digital Transformation


디지털 트랜스포메이션 시대의 중국 문화관광산업 혁신발전에 관한 연구

Lan-jun Huang, Chun-hua Jin

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Although the cultural tourism industry is designated by the Chinese government as a key fostering industry for the country in the 21st century, its development is limited due to digital transformation, lack of high-end digital talent, and lack of cooperation between 'government-industry-university-research institutes' in the field of cultural tourism. In this study, based on China's culture and tourism industry policies and related literature, the current status and difficulties of science and technology collaboration innovation in the culture and tourism industry are clarified, and the government, industry, university, and research that can promote the leap forward development of the culture and tourism industry. The purpose of this study is to identify the necessity and importance of a cooperative innovation system among six parties, including 'government, industry, university, research institute, application, and innovation', which can promote the rapid development of the cultural tourism industry.


문화관광산업은 중국 정부가 지정한 21세기 국가의 핵심 육성 산업임에도 불구하고 디지털 트랜스포메이션, 고급 디지털 인재의 부족과 문화관광 영역에서의 '정부-산업-대학-연구기관' 간의 협력 부족으로 제한적인 발전을 이루고 있다. 본 연구에서는 중국의 문화관광산업 정책과 관련 문헌의 조사를 바탕으로 문화관광 산업의 과학기술 협업 혁신 현황과 어려움을 명확히 하고 문화관광산업의 도약적인 발전을 촉진할 수 있는 정부, 산업, 대학, 연구기 관에 응용과 혁신을 추가한' 6자 간 협동 혁신 체제를 통한 문화관광 산업의 과학기술 협동 혁신의 필요성과 중요성 을 규명하고자 한다.


1. Introduction
2. the Current Situation and prior study of Science and Technology Collaborative Innovation in Culture and Tourism Industry
2.1 Development status of digital cultural tourism in China
2.2 Research status of scientific and technological collaborative innovation in the cultural tourism industry
3.The Development Difficulties of Science and Technology Collaborative Innovation in China's Culture and Tourism Industry
3.1 Difficulties in Digital Transformation of Culture and Tourism Industry
3.2 “Culture + Tourism + Digital&quat; compound professional talent shortage
3.3 In the field of culture and tourism, the cooperation of various modules of “government -industry-university-research&quat; is not close
4. The Realization Path of the Scientific and Technological Collaborative Innovation Development of Culture and Tourism Industry
4.1 Application of digital technology
4.2 Improve the digital transformation system of cultural tourism industry
4.3 Promote the intellectualization of cultural tourism data analysis
4.4 Multi integration of “government, industry, university, research, application and innovation” to promote mechanism innovation
4.5 Accelerate the training of digital cultural tourism professionals
5. Conclusion


  • Lan-jun Huang 황란쥔. Lecturer, Department of Business Administration,Xuzhou University of Technology
  • Chun-hua Jin 진춘화. Associated Professor, Department of Business Administration, Honam University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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