This study aims to examine the influence of two types of instruments, a checklist and a rating scale, on Korean EFL college students’ ability to summarize. A checklist and a rating scale were developed to encourage students’ autonomy in developing summary writing skills. While referring to each instrument, thirty-six students were asked to write a summary, followed by a questionnaire. The findings were that students using a checklist while summarizing performed better than students with a rating scale. Similarly, more than half of the students mentioned the checklist as more beneficial. Several supplementary methods were suggested to increase the efficiency of using a checklist or rating scale. Even though this research was conducted on a relatively small number of participants, the findings of this study provide new perspectives on how to develop students’ summarization skills with guidelines or frameworks, on which scare research has been conducted.
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1. Summary Writing
2.2. Summary Instruction
3. Method
3.1. Participants
3.2. Material
3.3. Data Collection
3.4. Data Analysis
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Influence of Each Method
4.2. Type of Method
4.3. How to Supplement Each Method
5. Conclusion and Implication