

전라북도 각 지역의 빈집에 대한 주민 인식 연구 - 전라북도 빈집에 대한 주민 설문을 중심으로


A Study on the Residents' Perception of Empty Houses in Jeollabuk-do - Focusing on the Survey of Empty Houses in Jeollabuk-do

김준영, 함성일

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The increase in vacant houses is a nationwide phenomenon due to the expansion and hollowing out of the city along with the decrease in population and aging. In Jeollabuk-do, the decrease in the population is a more serious phenomenon, and the problem of vacant houses is intensifying in all 14 cities and counties. This study questioned the residents' perception of empty houses by 14 cities and counties, while the province conducted a survey to organize the distribution and status of empty houses and establish an empty house information system to revitalize future empty house transactions. In addition, the administrative officer in charge of the work of empty houses was questioned. The study was conducted as basic data to prepare systems and policies for vacant house management in the future by combining the opinions of empty house owners, general city and county residents, and administrative managers. It can be said that Jeollabuk-do residents' perception of empty houses is common, but base cities have lower perception than small and medium-sized cities or county areas. In some cases, empty houses are not recognized due to anonymity, which is the nature of the city, but once they are recognized as empty houses, they express concerns about crime or safety, and negative evaluation of empty houses is higher than in other cities and counties. In the case of small and medium-sized cities and counties, the negative factor for empty houses is the beauty, which is a landscape aspect rather than safety. In the case of base cities, it was difficult to identify the owner of empty houses in the neighborhood, and the intention to use empty houses in the future was lower than that of small and medium-sized cities. Based on this, in the case of base cities, empty houses are required to have an institutional device to induce demolition. In the Special Act on Empty Houses, compulsory demolition is possible, but it is difficult to actually apply it, so it is necessary to identify the owner of empty houses and prepare incentives for demolition first. As a way to do this, the vacant house information system is being established, but the disclosure of information for sale or use in the vacant house information system is very limited at a time when the response rate of interview surveys is low. Jeollabuk-do residents often gave positive answers to the public use of empty houses, and they hoped in the order of community facilities, park spaces, communal gardens, and parking lots. However, in the case of base cities, the demand for parking lots is higher than other facilities. Through the study, residents' perception of empty houses is that they recognize the problem of empty houses as a whole and demand countermeasures, but it is slightly different depending on base cities, small and medium-sized cities, and county areas, and flexible systems should be prepared first.


1. 서론
1.1 연구배경 및 목적
1.2 연구범위 및 방법
2. 조사 및 분석방법
2.1 문헌고찰
3. 설문자료 분석
3.1 설문자료의 특성
3.2 도민 인식조사의 결과
3.3 지역에 따른 빈집에 대한 인식 경향
4. 도민 인식에 대한 빈집실태조사에서의빈집소유주의 의견과 빈집 관련 행정담당자 의견을통한 비교 분석
4.1 빈집실태조사에서의 빈집소유주의 의견
4.2 빈집 관련 행정담당자에 대한 서면조사
5. 결론


  • 김준영 Kim, Jun-Young. 전주대학교 건축학과 부교수, 미국건축사
  • 함성일 Ham, Sung-Il. 전주대학교 건축학과 조교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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