Gender Differences of Leisure Time based on Simultaneous Activities
The purpose of this study was to assess gender differences in the quantity and quality of leisure time. It uses time diary for a nationally representative sample of Koreans(10 years old over) collected in 2004 by KNSO. This time use surveys provide information about a primary activity and a secondary activity (that is simultaneous activity accompanying the primary activity). The results was that married women experience less of leisure time and more contaminated leisure time by a secondary activity(especially household labor) than married men. This research presents that men and women have different quantity and quality of leisure time, and gender discrepancies persist in the experience of leisure time.
I. 도입
II. 여가시간의 성차 연구
1. 성별 노동분담과 여가시간
2. 여가의 동시적 활동과 성차
III. 연구방법
1. 연구문제
2. 자료
3. 분석방법
IV. 분석결과
1. 생활시간량과 여가시간량의 성차 분석
2. 여가 질 경험의 성차 분석
V. 결론 및 제언
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