

호남지역 청동기~초기철기시대 옹관묘 일고찰


A Study on the Jar Coffins of the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in Honam Region


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Jar coffins appeared first in the Neolithic Age in Korea, but their full-scale construction could be said to have started from the Bronze Age. During the Bronze and Early Iron Ages in the Honam region, jar coffin graves were intermittently constructed using the jar with vertical mouth rim (直立口緣壺) even from the Early Bronze Age, and during the middle age, they became common as a Songguk-ri style tomb system together with the stone coffin tombs and pit graves with stone cover along with Songguk-ri style settlements centered on the Geumgang and Mangyeonggang River basins. In the Yeongsangang River and the southwestern region, few jar coffins were built during the Bronze Age, but they began to be constructed in full scale from the Early Iron Age onward. As for the burial ways of jars, the direct, horizontal and oblique installation methods were employed. In the Geumgang and Mangyeonggang River basins, the direct and oblique types of installation were more frequent, while the proportion of horizontal installation type was found to be high in the midwest region and Yeongsangang River basin area, as well as in the southwestern region, Seomjingang River basin and the southeastern region. During the Early Bronze Age, the direct and horizontal types only appeared, but during the Middle Age, the ratio of direct and oblique installation types was high, although some of the horizontal installation type was also confirmed in part. All of the jar coffins were of horizontal installation type during the Early Iron Age, which seems because the burial customs changed following the influence of a new culture. In the Geumgang and Mangyeonggang River basins, the jar coffins of the Middle Bronze Age were intensively found, accompanied particularly with the tombs of stone coffins and pit graves with stone cover which were characteristic of the Songguk-ri culture. In the Yeongsangang River basin and southwestern areas, the stone coffins which were suitable as a substructure of dolmens seemed to have been actively employed under the strong influence of regional traditions, but those which were unsuitable were not used. However, following the introduction of pottery with ring rim culture, clusters of jar coffin graves were built in the Yeongsangang River basin and the southwestern region. At first, they were dedicated to use for infants and young children, and then, as the jars intended exclusively for burying of adults were produced, they gradually developed into jar coffins, a unique burial custom of the Yeongsangang River basin. This change of funeral customs might be interpreted as a reflection of the then people's view of afterlife.


옹관묘는 우리나라에서 신석기시대에 처음 등장하지만 본격적인 축조는 청동기시대로 볼 수 있다. 호남지역 청동기~초기철기시대 옹관묘는 청동기시대 전기부터 직립구 연호를 사용하여 간헐적으로 축조되며, 중기에는 금강·만경강유역권을 중심으로 송국리식주거지와 함께 송국리식묘제로써 석관묘, (석개)토광묘와 함께 보편화된다. 영산강·서남부지역권은 청동기시대에 옹관묘가 거의 축조되지 않다가 초기철기시대부터 본격적으로 축조되기 시작한다. 옹관의 매장방법은 직치식, 횡치식, 사치식으로 구분된다. 금강·만경강유역권은 직치식과 사치식이 많고, 중서부지역권과 영산강·서남부지역권, 섬진강·동남부지역권은 횡치식의 비율이 높다. 청동기시대 전기는 직치식과 횡치식만 나타나고 중기는 직치식과 함께 사치식의 비율이 높고 횡치식은 일부 확인된다. 초기철기시대 옹관묘는 모두 횡치식인데 새로운 문화의 영향으로 장법이 변화된 것으로 보인다. 금강·만경강유역권의 옹관묘는 청동기시대 중기에 집중되며 특히 송국리문화의 특징적인 묘제로 볼 수 있는 석관묘·(석개)토광묘와 공반된다. 영산강·서남부지역권은 재지전통이 강한 지석묘의 하부구조로 적합한 석관은 적극 채용되지만 적합하지 않은 옹관묘는 채용되지 않은 것으로 볼 수 있다. 그러나 점토대토기문화의 유입 이후 영산강·서남부지역권에 옹관묘의 집단묘역이 조성되는데 처음에는 영·유아용 묘제로 이용되다 차츰 성인을 매장하는 전용옹관이 제작되면서 영산강유역의 독특한 묘제인 옹관고분으로 발전한다. 이러한 장제의 변화는 당시 사람들의 내세관을 반영한 것으로 볼 수 있다


I. 머리말
II. 구암동고분군의 조사경과
III. 옹관의 매장방법과 특징
IV. 옹관의 특징과 변화양상
V. 맺음말


  • 김규정 Kim, Gyu Jung. (재)전북문화재연구원 원장


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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