

메쇼닉의 번역 시학에 비춰 본 한국문학 번역 고찰 - 소설 『칼의 노래』 영역본을 중심으로 -


A Study on the Korean literary translation based on the poetics of translation of Henri Meschonnic : Focusing on the English translation of Song of the Sword.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is aimed at examining the poetics of translation proposed by Henri Meschonnic and weighing on translatability based on his poetics of rhythm. To introduce Korean literature to the field of the world literature, it is important to select a good literary work. It has themes about Korean historical and cultural features connected to the common concerns of humanity, and clearly reveals the writer's stylistic uniqueness. In addition, a proper strategy should be selected to translate the uniqueness inherent in such a great work. For figuring out the translatability through poetics of rhythm, a Korean novel, Song of the Sword and its English translation are analyzed based on the prosody and syntax, the two cores of Meschonnic‘s rhythm theory in this paper. As a result of analyzing, it was confirmed that the interaction of the rhythm in the original text was fully embodied in the translation, and that the thematic network was properly implemented through the interaction of words rather than simple language conversion. It is expected that the poetics of rhythm could be a new strategy to translate Korean literature in the future.


I. 들어가는 말
II. 이론적 배경
1. 선행연구
2. 메쇼닉의 번역 시학
III. 소설 『칼의 노래』와 영역본의 리듬의 시학 연구
1. 『칼의 노래』와 영어 발췌 번역본
2. 리듬의 시학을 바탕으로 한 원문과 번역문 분석
IV. 분석결과
1. 원문 첫 번째 문단 분석
2. 번역문 첫 번째 문단 분석
3. 프로조디
4. 간결한 서술 (속도감)
5. 동일 통사구조 및 어휘 반복으로 인한 프로조디 형성
V. 나가는 말
1. 분석결과 요약 및 논의
2. 연구의 의의와 한계


  • 채경화 Chae, Kyeonghwa. 이화여자대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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