

일제강점기 삼례지역 공간변화와 조성 주체에 관한 연구 - 삼례리, 후정리를 중심으로 -


A Study on Spatial Changes and the Main Agent of Space Creation in Samrye Area during the Japanese Occupation Period - Focusing on Samnye-ri and Hujeong-ri -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to identify the Spatial Changes and the main agent of space creation in Samrye Area during the Japanese Occupation Period. As for the urban space in the Samrye area, the urban space was expanded to the Hujeong-ri area from the construction of the Jeonbuk light railway. Before 1914, the urban space of Samrye was formed around Samrye Station in Samrye-ri, which oversees Samrye-do from the Goryeo Dynasty to the Joseon Dynasty, but when Samrye Station of Jeonbuk light railway was established in Hujeong-ri in 1914, the foundation of a ladder-type street network visible from the central space of the current Samrye area was formed until the 1930s. And it was the Japanese and Korean landowners who took the lead in the construction of the Jeonbuk light railway, not the government, who expanded the urban space of Samnye from Samrye-ri to Hujeong-ri. The background of the establishment of Jeonbuk light railway is the reason why Dongsan Farm has difficulty in transporting rice to the Honam Line during the rice harvest. At that time, Park Ki-soon, famous as the land king, took charge of the established chairman of the railroad installation and established it, and with the establishment of Samrye Station, the access road was connected to his farm. In addition, a new road was built on the farm land that owned the Hujeong-ri area to the Seoul-Mokpo Interroad in Samrye-ri, thereby expanding the urban space. In other words, unlike Gunsan and Iksan, which were built under the leadership of the Japanese colonial eran government, the urban space in Samrye area was expanded by a farmer who grew up as a large landowner based on agriculture, which was the economic base at the time.


1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구의 범위와 방법
2. 일제강점기 이전 삼례
3. 일제강점기 도시 공간변화
4. 도시공간 조성 주체
5. 결론


  • 김동열 Kim, Dong-Yeol. 국립완주문화재연구소 학예연구사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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