

한국단편소설 번역의 자기교정 사례분석 - 브루스/주찬 풀턴의 번역 A Dream of Good Fortune을 기반으로


On the Translator’s Self-Revision: An Analysis of Bruce and Ju-Chan Fulton’s Translation of Hwang Sŏgyŏng’s “Twaeji kkum” (A Dream of Good Fortune).

조원석, 이화연, 김슬기, 이상빈

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this article, we discuss some facets of the translator’s self-revision of their translation. We compare Bruce and Ju-Chan Fulton’s 1982 translation of Hwang Sŏgyŏng’s “Twaeji kkum” (A Dream of Good Fortune) with their 1993/2007 revision thereof to articulate what aspects of their revision could inform our understanding of literary translation. Our findings show that the translators improved their own translation in seven categories. They (1) normalized slang words and colloquial forms of language to make dialog sound natural, (2) made cultural subtext clearer to the reader, (3) particularized culture-bound terms to clarify contextual meanings, (4) changed punctuation marks to express subtle nuances of meaning, (5) inserted a sentence-level cue to maintain conversational flow, (6) adjusted the opening of conversation, and (7) enriched the poetic qualities of an inserted poem. Drawing on these findings, we briefly discuss the wider significance of Bruce and Ju-Chan Fulton’s revision.


1. 서론
2. 선행연구 검토
2.1. 브루스/주찬 풀턴과 관련 연구
2.2. 한국문학 번역가의 자기교정과 관련 연구
3. 분석자료 및 방법
4. 분석 내용
4.1. 어휘의 표준화
4.2. 문화적 정보 명시화
4.3. 원문 어휘의 특정화
4.4. 문장부호 변경 및 위치 조정
4.5. 인물의 의도를 구체화하는 도입부 삽입
4.6. 문단 내 정보순서 조정
4.7. 시의 형태적 요소 조정
5. 맺음말


  • 조원석 Cho, Won-Seok. 한국외국어대학교
  • 이화연 Lee, Hwa-Yeon. 한국외국어대학교
  • 김슬기 Kim, Seul Gi. 한국외국어대학교
  • 이상빈 Lee, Sang-Bin. 한국외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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