


変容する山王信仰 -古代文芸と『平家物語』巻第一・二を中心に-


Trasnforming Sanno Faith - Focusing on the Literary Arts in Ancient Japan and the Chapter 1・2 of Heike Monogatari -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to examine the aspects of transformation of the Sanno Faith(山王信仰), particularly focusing on the Literary Arts in Ancient Japan and the Chapter 1・2 of Heike Monogatari. In ancient literary arts, Sanno was described as Oyamakui no Kami, which is enshrined on Mt. Hiei in Kojiki and Sendaikujihongi, and represented the deity as the guardian deity of Mt. Hiei. In addition, it can be seen that the two gods, Miwa Myojin and Oyamakui no Kami were enshrined on Mt. Hiei. And the divinity of Mt. Hiei as Kamiyama can be seen in Kaifuuso, and it shows the deity as the guardian deity of the Tendai sect in Shuchusho. In the Chapter 1・2 Heike Monogatari, Hiyoshi Gongen is depicted as the object of prayer for healing of illness, possession, mercy and upaya. And it is also depicted as the god of punishment and a miraculous god. Sanno which was considered the guardian deity of Mt. Hiei, when Gongen faith actively led Heian period from the mid to the end, was referred to as Hiyoshi Gongen, people sought worldly benefits such as recovery from illness. In the background of this, Sanno Shrine was always built as a guardian deity of the temples of the Tendai sect, and Sanno faith spread throughout the country along with the prosperity of the Tendai sect. A simple example of this is that Sanno underwent various transformations as a god seeking worldly benefits.


1. はじめに
2. 古代文芸に現れた山王信仰
2.1 比叡山の守護神
2.2 大津宮の守護神
2.3 天台宗の守護神
3. 『平家物語』巻第一・二に現れた山王信仰
3.1 病気平癒の祈願対象
3.2 憑依・託宣の神
3.3 慈悲具足・利物方便の神
3.4 霊験あらたかな神
3.5 神罰を下す神
4. おわりに


  • 韓正美 한정미. 東京大学国際高等研究所訪問研究員, 日本古典文学専攻


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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