




The Contemporaneity of “patent” and “Coop-erative Society” described in 『Crest』


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper analyzes the historical meaning of Yokomitsu Riichi’s novel 『Crest』 serialized in the January to September issue of 『kaizo』 in 1934 from the perspective of readers, media, economy, and women. The 『Crest』 is a novel that embodied ‘Theory of Pure Novel’ based on the ‘Rural Rehabilitation Movement’ in the 1930s. In this paper, the researcher reviewed the tone of the novel’s narrator, “I” and 『kaizo』 by analyzing First of all, the researcher looked at how the author and the readers interact. The author used the unique narrator “I” at the time to convey the author’s thoughts to the readers and allow the readers to understand the work on their own. In addition, in response to readers’ criticism, it aimed to be both a popular novel and a pure literature as a full-fledged novel. Secondly, the interaction with 『kaizo』, the medium in which 『Crest』 was serialized, was analyzed. The tone of 『kaizo』, which was critical of the situation at the time, influenced the readers of 『Crest』, and readers of 『Crest』 were able to comprehend the articles of 『kaizo』 more analytically. Thirdly, the researcher looked at how the economic reality of the time was reflected. The author showed a critical view of the government that only strives to prepare for war rather than the safety of the people.


1. はじめに
2. 「雁金」の偶然性の義理人情と「山下」の合理性
3. ナレーター役の語り手「私」
4. 『改造』から見る『紋章』における「産業組合」と雁金の発明
5. 特許悪用と「産業組合」の国家従属化
6. おわりに


  • 辛西永 신서영. 도쿄대 박사수료, 일본근대문학전공


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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