

A Comprehensive Survey of the Literature on Corporate Social Responsibility in Korean Firms


Kyeong Woo Wee, Yun Sik Kang, Jaehyun Lee

한국재무학회 재무연구 제35권 제4호 2022.11 pp.155-188
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study surveys prior studies on corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Korean firms that have been conducted between 2000 and the present. It introduces how Korean researchers define CSR conceptually and develop CSR-related theories. We then discuss how CSR affects Korean firms and stakeholders by comprehensively reviewing prior studies. To this end, we collect and categorize CSR-related papers by subtopics, such as CSR concept, firm value, cost of capital, risk, compensation and ownership structure, and review the research results by topic. We then also review studies on responsible investment (RI). Lastly, we suggest topics and directions for future research.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Concepts of CSR
Ⅲ. ESG Data and Research Period
1. ESG Data
2. Research Period
Ⅳ. Research on CSR
1. Firm Characteristics
2. CSR and Firm Value
3. CSR and Cost of Capital
5. CSR and CEO compensation
6. CSR and Ownership Structure
7. CSR as a mediating factor
Ⅴ. Research on RI
1. Concepts of RI
2. Performance of RI
Ⅵ. Discussion and Conclusion


  • Kyeong Woo Wee Professor, Division of Business Administration, Sookmyung Women’s University
  • Yun Sik Kang Associate Professor, College of Business Administration, Kangwon National University
  • Jaehyun Lee Assistant Professor, School of Finance, Soongsil University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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