


지방소멸방지를 위한 역구독 경제와 청년 창・취업대책


Reverse Subscription Economy and Youth Job Creation and Employment Policies for the Prevention of Local Extinction


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



From the perspective of citizens, their information is subscribed to by companies, governments, or other institutions. However, no institution pays a subscription fee for this and uses personal information without permission. Information utilization institutions must pay individuals a data subscription fee, which can be defined as a reverse subscription economy, so-called "data (information) pension," in which they allow them to use their information from the perspective of information providers and instead receive a subscription fee. Therefore, when information-using institutions such as companies, public institutions, or governments use personal information, they must pay the price of information use to individuals like monthly pensions. This will be the right way to use personal information (data), the crude oil of the 4th industrial society, only then will it become a society of sovereign citizens and protect individual data sovereignty. By receiving the price of personal information use from information-using institutions, the expected digital gap and social conflict can be reduced in the future, and the theoretical validity of various government-funded support, including disaster support funds, can be secured. This study aims to establish a reverse subscription economy in which Korea protects the true democracy and value of personal information through the realization of “data sovereignty” in the era of digital transformation, preventing local extinction and young people from living in peace.


1. 서론
2. 디지털대전환과 지방소멸의 실태
2.1. 디지털대전환
2.2. 인구소멸과 지방소멸의 실태
3. 경제 패러다임의 변화와 역구독경제의 이론적 검토
4. 역구독경제와 청년창업
5. 결론


  • 조덕호 Cho, Deok Ho. 대구대학교 행정학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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