

Survey on the Current Status of Orthopedic Manual Therapy



With the emergence of an aging society, the number of orthopedic manual therapy prescriptions is increasing. However, no clear prescription guidelines exist for orthopedic manual therapy in the Republic of Korea. This study aimed to examine the current status of orthopedic manual therapy in the Republic of Korea by examining the satisfaction, time, and cost adequacy of orthopedic manual therapy for patients. This survey was conducted among adults who visited a clinic or hospital in the Republic of Korea. The survey had 26 questions and was distributed through a Google questionnaire URL. This study performed descriptive statistics and Chi-squared test of the general characteristics of the respondents, orthopedic manual therapy experience, treated hospital type, perception, expectation, satisfaction, and the right price and duration for orthopedic manual therapy. Of the total 278 respondents, 113 (40.6%) had undergone orthopedic manual therapy previously, and 165 had not experienced the therapy (59.4%). Orthopedic manual therapy was mainly performed twice a week for 30-60 min, and the price was between 100,000 and 140,000 won per session. The desired price and time were 50,000-90,000 won and 30-60 min, respectively. The longer the duration of receiving orthopedic manual therapy and the greater the time/frequency satisfaction, and the effect of the therapy. Activities of daily living (ADL) are particularly likely to improve when receiving orthopedic manual therapy at a rehabilitation hospital than others. Satisfaction with orthopedic manual therapy increases as time/frequency satisfaction increases and ADL improves. Thus, it is important to suggest an appropriate manual therapy time according to patients’ circumstances and develop a manual therapy plan to improve ADL.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Methods
1. Subjects
2. Survey content and method
3. Statistical analysis method
Ⅲ. Results
1. Experience with orthopedic manual therapy
2. Frequency, time, and price
3. Expectations and satisfaction with orthopedic manual therapy
4. Satisfaction of orthopedic manual therapy according to hospital type
Ⅳ. Discussion
1. Experience with orthopedic manual therapy
2. Frequency, time, and price of orthopedic manual therapy
3. Expectations and satisfaction with orthopedic manual therapy
4. Satisfaction of orthopedic manual therapy according to hospital type
Ⅴ. Conclusion


  • Joo-hee Park Department of Physical Therapy, College of Software and Digital Healthcare Convergence
  • Sung-dae Choung Department of Physical Therapy, Baekseok University
  • Yi-jun Cho Department of Physical Therapy, Baekseok University
  • Jong-seong Baek Department of Physical Therapy, Baekseok University


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