

코로나19 이후 ICT 중소벤처기업 정책 딜레마분석


A Policy Dilemma Analysis on ICT SMEs after COVID19

이중만, 조상섭

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study analyzed the policy dilemma for ICT SMEs venture companies that changed after COVID-19 based on the results of the cognitive map analysis for ICT SMEs venture policies. First, as a result of analyzing the cognitive map of ICT SMEs venture companies that have changed since COVID-19, ICT venture companies are expanding support for ICT venture companies due to the threat of COVID-19. However, in order to convert COVID-19 into an opportunity factor, it also shows a policy direction to achieve innovative growth by creating a new market through non-face-to-face industry revitalization based on digital transformation (digital new deal). As a result of the study, the policy measures of supporting DNA-centered convergence innovation technology, digital transformation (digital new deal), fostering ICT startups (K-Global project), and expanding support for ICT SMEs did not have a policy dilemma. However, although many support has been expanded for ICT SMEs due to COVID-19, it is difficult to find and foster ICT start-up companies, and globalization problems are occurring due to the decrease in exports to COVID-19, making it difficult to create new markets. There is a negative (-) perception of causality that ICT SMEs venture companies may face risks as jobs decrease and innovative growth cannot be led to the revitalization of the non-face-to-face industry. Therefore, it was found that both the flow of causal relationship between the expansion of support for ICT SMEs and the high growth of ICT SMEs is not + and has a policy dilemma in part.


1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
3. 연구방법론
4. 정책 딜레마분석
4.1 인지지도분석을 통한 정책변수 도출
4.2 정책 딜레마 분석결과
4.3 인과 경로 상이성으로 인한 정책 딜레마 분석
5. 결론 및 시사점


  • 이중만 Jung Mann Lee. Professor Hoseo University, Department of Mgt. of Digital Technology
  • 조상섭 Sangseop Cho. Professor, Hoseo University, Department of Mgt. of Digital Technology


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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