

Session Ⅴ : Artificial Intelligence

PV-ANet: Attention-Based Network for Short-term Photovoltaic Power Forecasting



Nowadays, renewable energy resources such as Photovoltaic (PV) is one of the convenient ways to integrate it into the distributed grid to fulfill the huge energy demands without burning costly and pollutant fossil fuels. Researchers have been contributing from various aspects to develop accurate PV-power forecasting methods however further improvements are needed for an effective power management system. Therefore, in this work, we propose an attention-based deep learning (DL) model (PV-ANet) for short-term PV-power forecasting. The proposed system mainly consists of three modules. First, data from an actual PV power plant is acquired and preprocessed to remove outliers and normalized for efficient processing. Next, the PV-ANet model is developed, which is consisting of an encoder and decoder modules. The encoder encodes the input attributes via stack conventional and attention layer. While the decoder part contains the normalization and series of the dense layers to expends the encoded features into optimal features and generate one hour ahead forecast. Finally, the proposed model is evaluated via standard error metrics including MSE, MAE, and RMSE and achieved the lowest errors rates compared to state-of-the-art methods.


A. Data acquisition and pre-processing
B. Model architecture
A. Experimental setting and Dataset
B. Evaluation Criteria
C. Experimental results


  • Muhammad Munsif Sejong University Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • Habib Khan Sejong University Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • Zulfiqar Ahmad Khan Sejong University Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • Altaf Hussain Sejong University Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • Fath U Min Ullah Sejong University Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • Mi Young Lee Sejong University Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • Sung Wook Baik Sejong University Seoul, Republic of Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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