


Comparative Legal Analysis on Deep Forgery in China’s Criminal Law


중국 형법상 심층위조에 관한 비교법적 고찰

Zhang Guangjun, Yin Bo

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Deep forgery technology is a new AI technology, which has brought security risks to the country and the people in non-traditional forms in the current application, and has emerged a variety of legal risks and legal issues that deserve attention. It has become the common trend of criminal law in various countries to use the criminal law anti system depth forgery technology to bring negative effects on public security and national security. Therefore, it is of great practical significance and theoretical value to summarize the international experience of criminal law in regulating deep forgery technology. Due to different national conditions and technology development and application, there are differences in criminal law regulation paths for deep forgery technology in various countries. Based on the strategic goal of maintaining and shaping national security in China’s “Fourteenth Five Year Plan”, this paper uses the security theory to compare the criminal law regulation paths of countries at home and abroad for deep forgery technology. From the three levels of the object, application process and user of the deep forgery technology, this paper compares the experience of various countries in applying criminal law to the deep forgery technology, and obtains the common characteristics of countries in criminal law regulation of the deep forgery technology. Through comparative analysis, this paper proposes three countermeasures to improve the criminal law regulation of deep forgery technology: first, strengthen the criminal law protection of personal biometric information, second, add the regulation of charges related to deep forgery technology, and third, clarify the criminal responsibility of the network platform. Through the improvement of the criminal law regulation path, it is beneficial to curb the negative impact of deep forgery technology, and maintain the bottom line of public security and national security.


심층위조는 새로운 인공지능 기술로 현재 운용 중에 있어 법적 위험과 새로운 법률 문제가 나타나고 있다. 이는 비전통적인 법률형태로 국가와 인민대중에게 안보 위험을 초래하고 있다. 현재 각국의 심층위조기술에 대한 형법 제정은 인공지능 정책과 기술 발전의 응용 상황에 따라 차이가 있다. 중국의 “14.5” 규획에 입각하여 국가안보를 보호 하는 전략목표를 유지하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 심층위조와 관련한 보안이론을 검토한다. 특히, 국내외 각국의 심층 위조기술에 대한 형법규제를 비교한다. 이에는 심층위조기술의 대상, 응용과정 및 사 용주체의 차원에 입각하여 중국의 심층위조기술의 형법규제 현황에 대한 개인생체식 별정보의 형법보호 강화, 심층위조기술 관련 죄목규제 증설 및 인터넷 플랫폼의 형사 책임에 관한 대책을 제시하였다. 이를 통해 형법규제를 통한 심층위조기술의 부정적인 영향을 억제하고, 긍정적 효과를 발휘하는데 좋은 자료로 활용될 것이라 본다.


ᅠ深度伪造技术是一种新兴的人工智能技术,在目前的运用中已经以非传统的形式给 国家和人民群众带来安全风险,已经出现了种种值得关注的法律风险和法律问题。动用 刑法反制深度伪造技术给公共安全和国家安全带来的负面影响,已经成为各国刑法的共 同趋势。因此,对刑法规制深度伪造技术的国际经验予以总结,具有重要的现实意义和 理论价值。 由于国情以及技术发展应用情况不同,各国目前针对深度伪造技术的刑法规制路径 存在差异。立足于中国“十四五”规划之中维护和塑造国家安全的战略目标,运用安全化 理论对海内外各国针对深度伪造技术刑法规制路径进行比较。从深度伪造技术的对象、 应用过程以及使用主体三个层面,对各国应用刑法对深度伪造技术的经验进行了比较, 得出了各国针对深度伪造技术予以刑法规制的共同特征。通过比较分析,本文提出了完 善深度伪造技术刑法规制的三点对策:一是强化个人生物识别信息的刑法保护,二是增 设深度伪造技术相关罪名规制,三是明确网络平台的刑事责任。通过刑法规制路径的完 善,有利于抑制深度伪造技术的消极影响,守住维护公共安全和国家安全的底线。


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Deep forgery technology and its abuse risk
Ⅲ. Legal analysis about the crime of deep forgery in other countries
Ⅳ. Implications for the regulations of deep forgery under China’s Criminal Law
Ⅴ. Conclusion


  • Zhang Guangjun 장광군. Doctoral candidate, School of law, Southwest University of political science & law, China; Director and researcher of the applied law research base of the Supreme People's Court of Southwest University of political science & law
  • Yin Bo 윤박. A part-time researcher of the applied law research base of the Supreme People’ s Court of Southwest University of political science and law


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