

메타버시티의 대체불가인재(NFH) 양성을 위한 5차 산업혁명 메타버스 영어교육 패러다임 : 메타분석 및 전공계열별 영어교육 수요조사를 중심으로


A Metaverse English Education Paradigm in the 5th Industrial Revolution Era for Non-Fungible Highfliers in Metaversity : Focusing on Meta-Analysis and Needs Analysis of English Education


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Confronted with the entangled challenges of the looming demographic cliff and the global pandemic, higher institutions have been engulfed with crippling crisis and external threats. Against this backdrop, the current research endeavored to offer a new Metaverse paradigm for English education from needs-analysis and meta-analysis results for non-fungible highfliers in metaversity. A needs analysis was performed to identify the English learning needs of 442 college students with varying majors; a meta-analysis of 37 effect sizes from 9 studies was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of Metaverse-embedded English instruction. The meta-analysis results revealed that the overall effect size of Metaverse technology for English learning is was medium and positive (0.419; 95% CI: 0.264∼0.5741) with the Q-value of 583.091 and the Higgin’s I²-value of 93.826. The effectiveness of Metaverse technology in promoting cognitive attributes was highest (0.845), followed by affective (0.572) and linguistics (0.062). The needs analysis revealed that students are in need of studying employment-related English programs such as TOEIC, English for job interviews, presentations, and so on. From the findings, this research proposes a new English education paradigm to forge ahead in the 5th industrial revolution(5IR) era.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
A. 5차 산업혁명, 메타버시티, 대체불가인재, 영어교육 패러다임
B. 메타버스 영어교육 및 메타분석
Ⅲ. 연구 방법
A. 영어교육 수요조사 설문대상 및 방법
B. 메타분석 방법
C. 메타분석: 출판편향 검증
Ⅳ. 분석 결과
A. 수요조사: 전공계열별 영어인식
B. 요구조사: 전공계열별 영어학습 필요 및 내용
C. 메타분석: 메타버스 영어교육의 효과크기
D. 대체불가인재(NFH) 양성을 위한 새로운 영어교육 패러다임
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언


  • 이혜진 HyeJin Lee. 원광대학교 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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