Effects of the Safety and Health Management System on Safety and Health Management Level and Accident Indicators in Construction Industry
This study examined the certification effects of safety and health management system (SHMS) on the establishment level of SHMS and accident statistics in construction industry. This study obtained the establishment level of SHMS for 106 construction companies surveyed from our previous study. In addition, three major accident statistics (mortality rate, accidental mortality rate, and injury rate) for the companies were collected from the database in Korean Occupational Safety and Health Agency. The statistical analysis results revealed that the establishment level for SHMS certified companies was significantly higher than those for uncertified or certification preparing companies. Furthermore, SHMS certified companies showed significantly smaller accident statistics compared to uncertified or certification preparing companies. The results of this study support the positive effects of SHMS on reducing major industrial accidents in construction companies.
1. 서론
2. 연구 방법
2.1 연구가설
2.2 설문조사
2.3 통계 분석 방법
3. 분석 결과
3.1 안전보건경영시스템 인증 현황
3.2 안전보건경영시스템 인증 여부에 따른 안전보건관리체계 구축 수준
3.3 공사실적과 사고지표 간의 연관성
3.4 안전보건경영시스템 인증 효과
4. 토의
5. 결론
6. References