

화재사례를 통한 건축물 외장재 종류별 화재발생위험성


Fire Risk by Type of Building Exterior Material through Fire Cases

이정일, 권영희

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently, the number of cases of fire spreading due to exterior materials of buildings is increasing. Due to the nature of modern architecture, which emphasizes the aesthetics of buildings, because buildings pursue a splendid appearance, they are inexpensive and have relatively good insulation performance, but an increasing number of buildings are adopting insulation materials that have poor fire safety performance. The risk of spread is also greatly increased. Since the exterior wall of a building is made of a variety of materials and structures, it is composed of a combination of several elements, including materials such as insulation and finishing materials. Therefore, it was determined that it was necessary to introduce a more systematic evaluation method for building exterior materials, and to improve the system reflecting this, away from the existing evaluation method that only checked the fire safety performance of finishing materials.


1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
2.1 드라이비트 공법
2.2 드라이비트 시공에 쓰이는 단열재의 특징
2.3 EPS원료 및 공정별 특성
3. 화재사례
3.1 화재사례
3.2 국내외 외장재 법적 기준
4. 화재발생보고서를 바탕으로 화재원인 추론
5. 외장재의 특성에 따른 문제점 및 화재방지 대책
6. 결론
7. References


  • 이정일 Jeong-Il Lee. 소방청 중앙119구조본부, 의정부소방서
  • 권영희 Young-Hee Kweon. 소방청 중앙119구조본부, 의정부소방서


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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