

Original Article

임상시험 대상자 모집 광고에 대한 정부의 규제 효과


The Effect of Regulation on Recruitment Advertising for Clinical Trial Subjects in Korea

김현진, 손현순

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Background: Recently clinical trials have expanded extensively in Korea; thus, ensuring the rights of subjects participating in clinical trials is imperative. Accordingly, national regulations on subject recruitment advertisement were enforced from October 25, 2018. In this study, the effect of this regulation was evaluated by analyzing the difference in the provision of information before and after enforcement of the regulation. Methods: Recruitment advertisements for clinical trial subjects 3 years before and after enforcement of the regulation were collated by the significance sampling approach. Print-based (newspapers, buses, and subways) and web-based (clinical trial center websites and online platforms) materials for recruitment in clinical trials of phase 1 to 4 for investigational drugs, medical devices, and oriental medicine were considered. Chi-square tests were conducted for inter-group comparisons. SPSS version 26 was employed for statistical analyses. Results: A total of 137 advertisements were collected comprising 60 pre- and 77 post-regulation enforcement. The overall rate of delivery of critical information in advertisements increased significantly from 47.5% before regulation to 93.2% after regulation enforcement. Particularly, details on expected adverse events augmented significantly (p<0.001). Benefits from participation in clinical trial reduced significantly from 88.3% to 70.1% (p<0.05). As the information provision amplified, the inclusion of professional terms increased. Conclusions: Enforcement of regulations has led to a surge in the amount of information and challenging terms contained in advertisements for recruiting subjects. Therefore, additional efforts are required by subjects to completely understand the information provided in the advertisements.


자료 수집
광고문 분류 및 평가
통계 분석
수집된 광고문의 특징
규제 전후 광고문에 제공된 정보의 차이
광고 매체에 따른 제공 정보의 차이
규제 전후 광고문의 전문 용어 포함 정도의 차이


  • 김현진 Hyun Jin Kim. 차의과학대학교 일산차병원, 차의과학대학교 약학대학
  • 손현순 Hyun Soon Sohn. 차의과학대학교 약학대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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