

A Study on the Design Characteristics of Public Space in the Silver Town


Si-zhou Yuan, Jae-cheol Kang

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Background/Objectives: As the aging of the population becomes more serious, it is necessary to focus on how to improve the quality of life of the elderly in old age as well as solving the problem of the fertility rate. Although the design level of public space in Silver Town is different, a good Silver Town space may be preferred by the elderly and help to ensure psychological and physiological health. Methods/Statistical analysis: The purpose of this study is to derive the design characteristics of the elderly silver town public space through investigation and analysis. Findings: In order to achieve the purpose of the study, research methods such as review of existing literature, case analysis, and expert research were conducted. Through case analysis and expert interview survey, Silver Town public space design characteristics according to physiological factors, psychological factors, and social factors were summarized, and the final Silver Town public space design characteristics for each factor were derived through an expert 5-point scale evaluation survey. Improvements/Applications: As a result of the study, the Silver Town public space design characteristic according to the physiological factors of the elderly was 'safety', and the Silver Town public space design characteristic according to the psychological factors was 'Ease of use'. Lastly, the silver town public space design characteristic according to the social factors of the elderly is 'participation possibility'.


Index Terms
A. Status of Silver Town in Korea
B. Silver Town Public Space Design Case Analysis
A. Expert composition
B. Expert Interview Survey
C. Expert Interview Survey Results
D. Analysis of survey results and selection of characteristics
E. Deduction of final characteristics of silver town public space design misidentification by factor


  • Si-zhou Yuan Ph.D Student, Department of Industrial Design, Dong-Eui University
  • Jae-cheol Kang Professor, Department of Industrial Design & Fine Art, Dong-Eui University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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