

Culture Information Technology (CIT)

Research on the Application of Digital Human Production Based on Photoscan Realistic Head 3D Scanning and Unreal Engine MetaHuman Technology in the Metaverse



With the development of digital content software production technology and the technological progress of related hardware, the social status quo in the post-epidemic era, the popularization and application of 5G networks, the market and consumers’ increasing demand for digital content products, artificial intelligence, virtual digital human, virtual Idols, virtual live, self-media content and metaverse-related content industries are all developing rapidly. Virtual idols, virtual digital human, etc. are not only accelerating innovation in production technology. The economic cost, technical difficulty and time requirements of production are also greatly reduced. With the arrival and development of the Metaverse, the author believes that the content industry with virtual digital humans as the core will continue to develop in the direction of refinement, specialization, facilitation and customization. In this article, we will analyze and study the production of virtual digital human based on Photoscan technology and Unreal Engine 5 Metahuman software, and discuss the application status and future development of related content.


1. Introduction
2. Photoscan 3D Scanning Technology
2.1 Photoscan Technology
2.2 RealityCapture Software
2.3 Camera Array System Based on Photoscan and RealityCapture
3. The production process of virtual digital human based on Unreal Engine 5 Metahuman and Photoscan technology
3.1 Head scan using camera array
3.2 3D model making based on Reality Capture software
3.3 Mesh to Metahuman Production
3.4 Virtual digital human production based on metahuman creator
3.5 Import the virtual digital human model made in metahuman creator into UE5 for use
3.6 Use real-time facial capture in UE5 engine
3.7 A variety of multimedia content can be produced based on UE5 engine
4. Virtual Digital Humans and Metaverse
4.1 Virtual digital human is an inevitable choice in the era of artificial intelligence
4.2 The Necessity of Customized Digital Humans in the Future Metaverse
4.3 The possibility of virtual digital humans developing in the metaverse
5. Conclusion


  • Yang Pan Doctor, Department of Visual Contents, Dongseo University, China.
  • KiHong Kim Professor, Department of Visual Contents, Dongseo University, Korea.
  • JuneSok Lee Professor, Department of Software Convergence, Dongseo University, Korea.
  • YuanZi Sang Master, Department of Visual Contents, Dongseo University, China
  • JiIn Cheon Master, Department of Visual Contents, Dongseo University, Korea.


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