

Human-Machine Interaction Technology (HIT)

A Study on the Effective Marketing Implementation through Face Recognition Technology in Smart Digital Signage



The aim of this research is to improve the effectiveness of digital media advertising because current advertisements –in digital signage - indiscriminately appeals to the general public rather than to a specific target. In order to deliver efficient and customized advertisement information, an IoT human body detection sensor mounted on digital signage detected human faces and then classified them firstly by gender. The digital signage here is a smart digital signage that can analyze facial signals, discriminate them based on patterns, and apply the extracted data by displaying the corresponding information to the user. In addition, by identifying the customer's location approaching the smart digital signage and displaying the optimized content information for the customer's location through an algorithm, the digital signage can dramatize the advertisement Thus, this is a study meant for improving information efficiency while reducing noise and driving power waste generated from unnecessary digital information reproduction.


1. Introduction
2. Signage realtive researchs
3. Algorithm and implementation structure
4. Results and Considerations
5. Conclusion


  • jin-gil Cha Ph.D candidate, Dept. of Information Tech.& Media Eng. Graudate School of SNUST., Korea
  • Seong-Kweon Kim Professor, Dept. of Electronics & IT Media Eng. SNUST., Korea


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