

Telecommunication Information Technology (TIT)

Smart Factory Promotion and Operation Analysis in the 4th Industrial Revolution Environment



Currently, the world is facing severe inflation due to Corona and the war in Ukraine, and it is causing a lot of difficulties for us. Companies are facing a lot of restrictions on their economic activities compared to the past due to supply chain problems and foreign exchange rates. In this situation, many countries have been implementing various smart factory promotion projects to secure competitiveness through productivity improvement in the manufacturing industry. In this study, the contents of smart factory promotion in major countries were reviewed, and problems raised about the implementation of smart factory in Korea, which are being implemented based on this, were described. It is most reasonable to judge the success of a smart factory by the achievement of the performance indicators presented at the time of the project. Therefore, based on the performance index of the business, which is a key factor in determining the success or failure of a smart factory, we investigated whether the company's smart factory promotion can be carried out successfully through examples


1. Introduction
2. Smart Factory
2.1 Smart Factory Overview
2.2 Smart Factory in Major Two Countries
3. Smart Factory Promotion Project Analysis
3.1 Smart Factory Operation Analysis
3.2 Business feasibility analysis based on performance indicators
4. Conclusion


  • Seong-Hoon Lee Professor, Division of Computer Engineering, Baekseok University, Korea
  • Dong-Woo Lee Professor, Department of Computer Information, Woosong University, Korea


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