

Culture Convergence (CC)

The Analysis on the Recyclability of Shenlong Automobile Company in China using SWOT Technique




The purpose of this study is to investigate the recyclability of Shenlong in China using SWOT. The main analysis results are as follows. First, provided that the company's current capacity utilization rate is seriously insufficient, reducing staff is one among the effective ways. Second, Shenlong should open a web store to cater to young people's online shopping behavior, and further expand the brand visibility using national mainstream media and online shopping platforms like Taobao and JingDong to market Dongfeng Peugeot and Dongfeng Citroen on the whole network. Third, under the premise of maintaining the present best-selling models, Shenlong should appropriately reduce the amount of models, adjust the assembly capacity ratio of every model and every displacement in real time per the newest market trends, increase the agility of auto companies' production, and timely meet the wants of domestic consumers. Fourth, dual-brand coordination and channel integration are very necessary, and also the profitability and profitability of dealers are going to be further improved, thereby increasing sales. Fifth, target building new energy leading products of Shenlong, strive to attain the forefront of the industry within the sales of recent energy vehicles within 5 years, and gradually expand new energy vehicle products from passenger vehicles to passenger vehicles and commercial vehicles. Finally, the marketing field of Shenlong Automobile should achieve "three major changes", that is, change from a goal-driven type to a demand-driven type, cancel the bundling of outlet invoicing goals and delivery incentive tiers; start from basic capabilities, and set pragmatic and challenging goals; focus Channels, to realize following the activation of outlets, and single store sales increase.


3.1 Strength
3.2 Weakness
3.3 Opportunities
3.4 Threats


  • Wei Zhao Wuhan Tax Service of China, Ph.D. Candidate, Namseoul Univ., Korea
  • Heonyong Jung Prof., Dept. of Business Administration, Namseoul Univ., Korea


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