

Culture Convergence (CC)

The Effect of Religious Activities on Boredom through the Meaning in Life : Focusing on Protestantism



Boredom is considered anxiety and is an experience accompanied by a lack of meaning because the need for meaning is not met. It is the pain that people feel without using their mind, and the suffering that people fall into the absence of desire. On the other hand, religious activities give people meaning in life, which reduces the tendency to feel bored. This study investigates whether there is a difference in boredom depending on whether individuals participate in religious activities, and to verify whether the meaning in life mediates the relationships between religious activities and boredom. We predicted that if individuals engaged in religious activities, the meaning in life would increase, and they would be less bored than those who did not. A total of 82 college students participated in this study. Results showed that there were significant differences in the meaning in life and boredom between the two groups according to whether they participated in religious activities or not. The group actively participating in religious activities had significantly higher meaning in life and lower boredom than the non-religious group. Second, the meaning in life significantly mediated the relationship between religious activities and boredom. We conclude that active participation in religious activities can increase the meaning in life and ultimately reduce boredom. Based on the results of this study, the implications and suggestions for follow-up studies are discussed.


2.1 Religious Activities and Meaning in Life
2.2 Boredom
2.3 Research Question and Hypotheses
3.1 Participants and Procedure
3.2 Research Tools
3.3 Statistical Analysis
4.1 Differences in boredom proneness and meaning in life for Christian college students and non-religious college students
4.2 Mediating effect of the meaning in life in the relationship between the religious activities and the boredom proneness


  • Sohee Lee Dept. of Psychology, Handong Global University. Korea
  • Sangha Park Dept. of Psychology, Handong Global University. Korea
  • Hyomin Choi Dept. of Psychology, Handong Global University. Korea
  • Youjin Kim Dept. of Psychology, Handong Global University. Korea
  • Hyejoo Lee Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Handong Global University. Korea


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