Self-Exercise Oriented Management for Shoulder Pain Patient with Winging Scapular : Case Report
Background: Scapular winging is a rare disorder that is commonly caused by nerve damage of the dorsal scapular nerve, spinal accessory nerve, or the long thoracic nerve. This affects the scapulohumeral rhythm which may cause abnormal kinetic motion of the shoulder. The purpose of this case report is to describe a self-exercise oriented management incorporating shoulder strengthening to reduce symptoms in a shoulder pain patient with winging scapular. Methods: A 45 year old male patient complained of pain in his both shoulders without any trauma. Shoulders were treated with steroid injections for supraspinatus tendonitis, but although pain improved to some extent, pain and disability continued for 3 months. Both shoulders had pain, decreased active range of motions, muscles weakness, and scapular winging. The patient underwent 9 interventional sessions over 3 months and was managed mainly by self-exercise. The intervention method involved push up plus, sling, muscle strengthening, and stabilization exercises. Loads were increased as symptoms improved. Results: Clinical outcomes were measured at every session. Pain in both shoulders reduced to 0 on a numerical pain rate scale by the 4th session, and the active range of motion was fully recovered. During the 9th session, the strength of the serratus anterior had improved from grade P to G on the right side and grade G to N grade on the left. Conclusion: In this case study, the self-exercise program was effective in reducing pain, increasing active range of motion, and improving muscle strength in subjects with scapular winging.
I. 서론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
1. 환자 병력
2. 검사 및 측정
3. 진단
4. 중재 방법
Ⅲ. 결과
Ⅳ. 고찰
Ⅴ. 결론